Monday, March 10

9 Key Reasons to Use Twitter in Business Marketing

Why do companies use Twitter? In this article, I tell you about the key advantages of using Twitter as part of your social media strategy. Using Twitter can allow you to increase your customer market, build customer loyalty, and increase sales. How?

Twitter allows you:

Increase your customer base and increase your sales

Through Twitter, you can find “followers” (potential customers) interested in the type of products or services you sell. Do not forget the immense market you have on social networks, and that Twitter is one of the fastest-growing social networks.

Establish stronger ties with your current customers

Many of your clients are (or will be) on Twitter. Twitter allows you to send tweets with important information for your target market. If you solve their problems with good information, they will turn to you and buy your products or services when they need it.

Announce sales promotions and special offers

Twitter is an excellent communication channel. You can advertise promotions specifically for your followers on Twitter, which will generate a “buzz” (word of mouth marketing) to generate new followers among people who need your promotional offers at this time.

Improve the positioning of your blog or website

The tweets that lead to the articles of your blog generate you “incoming links”. And the incoming links represent a little more than 40% of the Google criteria to position a website (or a blog). We can see, as an example, how works by putting their links such as on so many tweets and blogs. They offer their good services and so far it goes well. The link is mostly visited by people who need paper writing services. I, personally, use their service and so far I am satisfied. I couldn’t find the company if I didn’t open a Twitter page at that time.

Communicate your latest news, conferences, and events

The people who follow you are interested in the type of information you give, and in the type of product, you sell. For this reason, your Twitter followers may also be interested in your events.

Viral marketing

Twitter is viral. When something like a person, it is forwarded to his audience, among which there will be someone who also loves what you have written, and extend it in turn to his followers. News, and event, a promotion or an article that they like, will quickly pass “from mouth to mouth”, from “follower” to “follower”.


If you send good information through your tweets continuously, people will start to know your name on Twitter and “pass” your information. Thus, your “Twitter name” (a brand name, your company name or your personal name) will begin to be recognized in your sector and obtain a good business or professional reputation.

Get “feedback” from customers

By being in contact with your customers through Twitter, they will tell you what they like about your product, or they will give you recommendations or clues to improve it.

Analyze the competition

You can see what is said on Twitter about your competitors looking on Twitter for the name of your competitor, to see who is talking about him and what they say. You can also go directly to your account and see how it interacts with your audience, or what information it provides.

In conclusion, Twitter is good marketing too

Twitter can help you access a larger market. But to get results, you must use Twitter as part of your Social Media plan (along with other online marketing tools) and use Twitter effectively.

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