Tuesday, March 4

What Should I Tweet as a Brand or Business?

What Should i Tweet as a Brand or Business?

Knowing what you are going to Tweet can sometimes be hard and since your content has a huge effect on your page, it is important that you post interesting and high quality content regularly.

Take your time to draft your tweets. Look out for interesting stuff such as memes, Gifs and have them as part of your tweets. Read other people’s tweets, BUT DON’T COPY THEM!

Randomly check the trending topics. Whatever interests you, do a quick tweet and don’t forget to use the relevant hashtag. Also attached to the tweet can be an image, or some random relevant fact you just collected from the internet. Well, if you can do some tweets under the trending topics and you’re able to get some likes, retweets and generally good impressions, no doubt your tweets are interesting.

So.. What Should i Tweet as a Brand or Business? There is no correct answer (which is a good thing). One of the reasons Twitter is so valuable is that it’s simplicity allows it to be used in an infinite number of ways.

Twitter birds

There are a number of things you can tweet about:

  • Examples of good work/services provided that your business has been involved in
  • Interesting developments in your field of expertise
  • Other happenings in your general industry.
  • Funny incidents that happen while you and your team are at work
  • Upload pictures of the work that you do or services that you provide
  • The location of your business or your next job if you are mainly involved in field work
  • Commenting on where you are located or things around you
  • Sharing links to articles or sites you find interesting
  • Tagging your friends on interesting comments,
  • Engaging in self-promotion by discussing your ideas or things you are campaigning for
  • Poetic thoughts or phrases, song lyrics, etc.
  • Sneak peeks or inside information of your business

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